Our Bylaws
Updated 02/19/2020
ARTICLE 1. The organization shall be known as the North East Xterra Club, Inc..
ARTICLE 1. The North East Xterra Club, Inc. is organized as a not-for-profit corporation for the purpose of: a. Providing social, educational, and recreational activities for its membership. b. Participating in and supporting civic activities for the betterment of the community.
North East Xterra Club, Inc. Event: a planned gathering, including, but not limited to: Social gatherings, Mod Days, and NEXterra trail runs.
Quorum: Fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) member of the membership in good standing shall constitute Quorum.
SUBSECTION I: Membership Definitions and privileges
Supporting Member: A dues paying member of NEXterra. Supporting members in good standing can attend all NEXterra events; have voting rights; and may hold office.
Forum User: A registered member of the NEXterra internet Forum message board. Forum users may be allowed to attend NEXterra events; lack voting rights; and can not hold office.
SUBSECTION II: Membership requirements
ARTICLE 1. All members are expected to respect and abide by NEXterra’s laws, regulations, and policies
ARTICLE 2. Owners of all 4×4 vehicles are eligible for Membership in NEXterra.
ARTICLE 3. Applicants for membership must be at least eighteen years of age must hold a valid drivers license, and must show compliance for the insurance coverage requirements of the state in which they reside on their vehicle(s).
ARTICLE 4. Each membership includes the immediate family; however, voting power is restricted to the vehicle owner.
ARTICLE 5. All members are expected to meet all financial obligations in a timely manner
ARTICLE 6. All members are expected to show responsible behavior and tread lightly.
ARTICLE 7. All members are expected to respect their property and the property of others.
ARTICLE 8. All Supporting Members are encouraged to attend two (2) events each year, one of which is recommended to be an offroading event.
ARTICLE 9. Members shall immediately notify the a Club Officer upon a change of address, mailing address, or telephone number.
SUBSECTION III: Membership induction
ARTICLE 1. Any person wishing to become a Supporting member must apply with a Club Officer and pay the required dues.
SUBSECTION IV: Fines and Punishments
ARTICLE 1. All members will be automatically expelled from the membership of NEXterra for consumption/use of, or operating a vehicle under the influence of, Alcohol and/or illicit drugs during a NEXterra trail run.
ARTICLE 2. All member punishments are to be determined by majority vote of the Executive committee.
ARTICLE 3: Any member who is pending an executive committee hearing is temporarily suspended until after the vote.
ARTICLE 4: In the event the member who is pending an executive committee hearing is an Executive Committee Member, they must recuse themselves.
ARTICLE 5. Executive Committee matters may be handled in person, or on the NEXterra Internet Forum boards, or through internet messaging programs such as ‘AOL Instant Messenger’ or ‘Skype.’
ARTICLE 1. All meetings shall require Quorum.
ARTICLE 2. Meetings of the membership of the NEXterra shall be held at such time and place as may be designated by the President.
ARTICLE 3. Meetings must have a prior notice of at least three (3) weeks.
ARTICLE 4. Meetings may be held online via the NEXterra internet Forum message board, or via a peer-to-peer internet service such as ‘AOL Instant Messenger’ or ‘Skype.’
ARTICLE 5. All Voting matters, excluding emergency votes, presented at a meeting must be motioned, seconded, and tabled for one (1) week to allow for discussion.
ARTICLE 1. The officers of NEXterra shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. These officers, along with a minimum of three (3) at large members, shall make up the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 2. The term of all Officers/Executive Committee members shall be two (2) years, with the term commencing on January 1st and ending on December 31st.
ARTICLE 3. The President and Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years. The Vice President and Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years.
ARTICLE 4. Three (3) or more Supporting Members in good standing shall be appointed by the President at the beginning of his/her term as additional non-titled officers. Their appointment must be unanimously approved by the elected officers (Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary). Their term would coincide with that of The President. These non-titled officers along with the elected officers shall make up the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 1. The President shall oversee all management of NEXterra and ensure that officers are conducting their duties properly. The President shall serve as the official spokesperson for NEXterra. The President shall chair all NEXterra meetings. The President will co-authorize with the Treasurer all expenditures and transactions.
ARTICLE 2. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, serve in that capacity. The Vice President shall oversee charity events. The Vice President will be responsible for Delegate attendance for any organizations NEXterra belongs to. The Vice President shall oversee the election of Officers and shall also preside over all Executive Committee meetings. The Vice President shall also assist other officers whenever needed and available.
ARTICLE 3. The Treasurer shall keep accurate and complete financial records of the funds and accounts of this organization and shall collect all dues and maintain a record thereof. The Treasurer shall prepare the yearly budget for NEXterra. The Treasurer will oversee, and co-authorizes with the President, all expenditures and financial transactions.
ARTICLE 4. The Secretary shall keep, preserve, and distribute all records and minutes of all meetings, including Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary shall receive and answer all general correspondence pertaining to the organization.
ARTICLE 5. The Executive Committee shall perform all judicial functions of NEXterra.
SECTION VIII: Nomination and Election of Officers
ARTICLE 1. All elections shall require Quorum. Voting will take place either in person if a meeting is able to be held, or online through the NEXterrainternet Forum message board.
ARTICLE 2. Annual Elections are to be held no later than December 1st.
ARTICLE 3. Nominations shall be held at least one (1) month prior to election.
ARTICLE 4. Members may nominate any Supporting Member, other than themselves, for an Office. Nominees must receive multiple nominations, or have a nomination seconded, to be a candidate.
ARTICLE 5. An Officer is elected by receiving Fifty percent (50%) plus one (+1) of the votes cast. If no one Candidate receives fifty percent plus one (50% +1) votes, a runoff is held between the top 2 Candidates.
ARTICLE 6. In the event the vacancy of an Office occurs, the Vice President can call for an emergency election, negating the requirement of Nominations 1 month prior to the election. Otherwise emergency elections follow the aforementioned Election Format. In the event the Vice President Office is vacated, the President shall call for and oversee the emergency election. Alternatively, the remaining officers may temporarily appoint a replacement for any vacated office.
ARTICLE 7. Any NEXterra officer may be recalled by a two third majority vote of the entire supporting membership.
ARTICLE 1. All monies received from all sources shall immediately be turned over to the Treasurer to be deposited in the checking account of NEXterra.
ARTICLE 2. No withdrawal from funds shall be made without the approval of the President and Treasurer.
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of Quorum at a meeting, including the internet forum message board. Any Abstaining voters will not count towards Quorum. Any amendment to the bylaws must be presented to the membership at the meeting preceding that in which the vote is taken.