Maybe Angie would buy it. I heard she’s colleting Jeeps…
I understand your dilemma bro, I really do and although I would never assume you need relationship advice from anyone, especially some idiot from Brooklyn I gotta tell you I never discuss my truck and the stupid amount of money I put into it with my wife or any of my family.
I have yet to find a single soul outside of the nut jobs taking part in this “hobby” that understand any of it in any way.
No one besides me likes to drive my truck even though it’s a 4 door auto and I seldom offer it up. “It’s too big”, “I can’t see anything”, “the back window is blocked”, “it’s too high”, “it handles like a pig”, “it eats too much gas”…bro, it goes on and on and they’re right!
But like you I love it. It’s my truck built for me. I’d buy another car before I gave it up to appease some delusion I might have about it somehow easing my wife's objection to spending the family savings on a fucking skid plate...
DirtySocks wrote:
… I love the way my Jeep is setup, know all its faults & most of all have it built the way I want it.
Fucking A brother!
I make many sacrifices for my wife, for my kids, for my family and a few friends…my truck ain’t one of them.
It’s one of the few things I do for me.